Chocolate Eggers Chicks


Chocolate eggers can handle the heat well. They are a hybrid type of bird, and adults are usually a black-copper color and sometimes have blue mixed in. They are typically bred from an Araucana and a brown egg layer, such as a Maran. Their personalities can vary depending on their parents, but they are generally funny, chatty birds.





Chocolate Egger Chickens, also known as cocoa eggers, are large, hearty birds that lay eggs throughout the year. They make an excellent addition to any farm or backyard and can round out your Olive Eggers and Easter Eggers nicely.

Chocolate Egger Heritage

Chocolate eggers are a hybrid type of bird, and adults are usually a black-copper color and sometimes have blue mixed in. They are typically bred from an Araucana and a brown egg layer, such as a Maran. Their personalities can vary depending on their parents, but they are generally funny, chatty birds.

The Chocolate Egger Chicken Eggs

They are known for laying chocolate brown eggs without the red undertones typically found in brown eggs produced by other birds. Chocolate eggers have eggs that are matte rather than shiny. The brown tones can range from hot chocolate to a deep, rich cocoa color.

TemperAment of the Chocolate Easter Egger

The Chocolate Egger Chicken are usually very docile and love to roam around your backyard or farm looking for treats. They do well in the heat.

Additional information


Female, Male, Unsexed


1-7 Days Old, 2-5 Weeks Old, 4-6 Months Old, 6-12 Weeks Old, Adults


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