Columbia Wyandotte


Columbia Wyandotte’s are good brown egg layers, and are a wonderful dual-purpose breed that stands cold weather very well and is excellent in northern climates.


Columbian Wyandotte’s are an unusual and attractive variety. They have the same deep, well rounded bodies and close set comb of all Wyandotte’s, and are of medium size. Appearance is handsome with white bodies, and contrasting neck, tail, and wing plumage which are black with silvery white edging. Their nice yellow skin and plump bodies make them easy to dress and they lay brown eggs.  This variety was first exhibited at the Columbian Exposition in Chicago in 1893, and got their name in that way. Baby chicks are a creamy white and some have dark gray shading on the back.

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Female, Male, Unsexed


1-7 Days Old, 2-5 Weeks Old, 4-6 Months Old, 6-12 Weeks Old, Adults


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